Security Sector Reform:
A comprehensive security needs assessment among the Syrian diaspora in Germany on security provision and good governance in post-war Syria
Conceptualised and implemented a security needs assessment with Syrians in Germany to understand citizens’ needs and identify entry points for citizen-oriented security sector reform efforts. Assessment results were presented to the German Federal Foreign Office, the German Federal Ministry of the Interior, UN DPKO, the US State Department, the World Bank, EEAS, and GIZ. Results are presented in a series of nine thematic working papers, funded by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.
Rule of Law and Gender:
The Palestinian Judicial Police and its role in implementing warrants of Sharia courts
Advised the Office of the Quartet/UNOPS in Jerusalem on the Palestinian Judicial Police and its ability to serve warrants of Palestinian Sharia courts in underserved areas in the West Bank (area C, H2, Jerusalem suburbs), with a special focus of women’s access to justice.
Societal contracts in the MENA region: Pilot study to assess the impact of current German bilateral development programmes on societal contracts in selected MENA countries
Advised GIZ on how to integrate the concept of new societal contracts in development interventions and programming in the MENA region. Evaluated GIZ and KfW programmes in Tunisia, Palestine, Lebanon, and Iraq with regard to their effects on transforming societal contracts.
Drafted a report on the relevance of training for the effectiveness of peace operations. Evaluated the Ghanaian Peacekeeping Training Centre KAIPTC in Accra and the Malian Ecole de Maintien de la Paix (EMP) in Bamako.
Current voices on societal contracts: Qualitative study to collect and analyze the views of civil society representatives on the most important reform priorities for societal contracts in Jordan and Lebanon
Conducted interviews with civil society representatives, scholars, and German embassy personnel in Lebanon and Jordan. Developed recommendations for bilateral development interventions by the German government to promote and support the transformation towards new and more inclusive societal contracts in Jordan and Lebanon.
Conceptualised and conducted three project management training for civil society organisations, targeting Iraqi civil society organisations, Syrian women living in Germany, as well as young migrants.
Regularly trained military staff at the Non-Commissioned Officers College of the German Army on recent political developments in the Middle East, based on a self-developed full-day curriculum. Furthermore, in the framework of a BMZ/Engagement Global project, trained non-commissioned officers of the German Armed Forces on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), SDG 16, and its implementation in SSR settings.
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